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Member Ministries

Below is a list of our actively licensed members. For additional details about a member, click the Details button. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.

Anderson, Bill


Swan River, MN

Blunt, Patrick

Asst. Pastor

Aitkin, MN

Burkhart, Mike

Evangelism, Jail Ministry

Lake George, MN

Carlson, Dustin

Evangelism, Jail Ministry

Fosston, MN

Christ Gospel Fellowship


Laporte, MN

Christian Faith Fellowship


St. Georges, Manitoba, Canada

Clyde, Cheryl

Childrens Church Ministry

Laporte, MN

Clyde, Raymond

Director of Worldwide Ministries

Laporte, MN

Clyde, Rick

Pastor, Christ Gospel Fellowship

Laporte, MN

Clyde, Robert


Laporte, MN

Clyde, Sherry

Church Ministry

Laporte, MN

Cook, Clinton


Bigfork, MN

Cook, Greg

Asst. Pastor Big Falls / Nursing Home Ministry

Effie, MN

Coss, Jeremy

Church Ministry

Pine Falls, Manitoba, Canada

Coss, Norman

Pastor of Christian Faith Fellowship

Pine Falls, Manitoba, Canada

Cure, Grant

Church Ministry

Pine Falls, Manitoba, Canada

Edwards, Bradley

Deacon CGF / Church Ministry

Guthrie, MN

Erickson, Duane

Jail Ministry / His Servant Ministries

Bemidji, MN

Faith For Life Church


Beaver, UT

Flood, Martin

Church Planting / Pastor, Faith For Life Church

Beaver, UT

Frick, Jim

Chaplin, Beltrami County Jail

Cass Lake, MN

Geller, Greg & JoEllen

Street Ministry

Bemidji, MN

Gerlof, Jerry

Church Ministry / President of Headwaters Horsemen

Pinewood, MN

Guidry, Lauren

Teacher/Church Ministry/Author

Thibodaux, Louisiana

Hall, James

Pastoral, Music and Youth Ministry

Park Rapids, MN

Hall, Whitney

Music Ministry & Evangelism

Park Rapids, MN

Hamilton, Joel

Music Ministry / Farrier / Street Witness

Guthrie, MN

Hanson, Steve

Mentors for Life

Bemidji, MN

Jesse, DeeAnn

Street Ministry

Detroit Lakes, MN

Johnson, Gary & Marty

Cross Fire Ministries / Youth Ministry

Mitchell, SD

Johnson, Matthew

Music Ministry

Fosston, MN

Johnson, Tammy

Music Ministry

Fosston, MN

Kes, David

Rodeo Preacher

Burnsville, MN

Laine, Diane

Native American Ministry / Sport camps

Baudette, MN

Laine, Robert

Native American Ministry / Sport camps

Baudette, MN

Lantis, Rachelle

Youth Ministry

Ley, Robert

Missions/Over Seas

Bemidji, MN

Marshall, Dorothy

Childrens Church Ministry

Laporte, MN

Martin, Dave & Ruth

Church Ministry

Pine Falls, Manitoba, Canada

Molacek, Richard

Native American Ministry

Laporte, MN

Murray, Brad

Church Ministry

Melita, Manitoba Canada

Nauer, Mary

Music Ministry

Walker, MN

Nelson, Marcy

Social worker / Church Ministry

Laporte, MN

River Of God Church


Big Falls, MN

Rogers, Jim

Pastor / Email Ministry

East Gull Lake, MN

Smith, Karen

Nursing Home Ministry

Bemidji, MN

Swanson, Michael

Pastor / Street ministry

Treat, Tim

Pastor, River of God Church

Big Falls, MN

Twite, Lyle

Pastor, Lutheran Church

Bagley, MN

Wilson, John & Jane


Orange Grove, TX

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